CCPC String
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简单 (*1100) 枚举 前缀和 动态规划
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To prepare a task for the CCPC Final, Little Cyan Fish is studying basic string theory. Today, Little Cyan Fish has learned the concept of the CCPC string. A string $s$ is called a CCPC string if and only if there exists a positive integer $t \ge 1$, such that $s=\text{c}^{2t}\text{pc}^t$.
Here, $\text{c}^k$ represents the string consisting of the character `c` repeated $k$ times, and $\text{uv}$ denotes the string obtained by concatenating strings $\text{u}$ and $\text{v}$. For example, `ccpc`, `ccccpcc`, and `ccccccpccc` are CCPC strings, but `p`, `cpc`, `ccpcc`, `ccppc`, and `cccpc` are not.
Now, Little Cyan Fish has a string $S$ consisting of `c`, `p`, and question marks (`?`). He wants to calculate the number of pairs of integers $(l, r)$ that satisfy the following conditions:
- $1 \le l \le r \le |S|$
- for the string $T = S[l \cdots r]$, it is possible to replace the question marks (`?`) to `c` or `p`, so that the string is an CCPC string.
There are multiple test cases. The first line contains one integer $T$ $(1 \le T \le 10^5)$, representing the number of test cases.
For each test case, the first line contains a single string $S$. The string $S$ consists only of the English letters `c`, `p`, and the question mark (`?`).
It is guaranteed that the sum of $|S|$ over all test cases does not exceed $10^6$.
For each test case, output a single line consists a single integer, indicating the answer.
样例输入 #1
5 ?cpc ccp?? ???c??? ?c???cp?? ?c?????cccp????
样例输出 #1
1 1 4 5 14
In the first example, all valid pairs of $(l, r)$ are as follows.
| $l=$ | $r=$ | $S[l \cdots r]$ | Replaced String |
| :--: | :--: | :-------------: | :-------------: |
| $1$ | $4$ | `?cpc` | `ccpc` |
In the second example, all valid pairs of $(l, r)$ are as follows.
| $l=$ | $r=$ | $S[l \cdots r]$ | Replaced String |
| :--: | :--: | :-------------: | :-------------: |
| $1$ | $4$ | `ccp?` | `ccpc` |
In the third example, all valid pairs of $(l, r)$ are as follows.
| $l=$ | $r=$ | $S[l \cdots r]$ | Replaced String |
| :--: | :--: | :-------------: | :-------------: |
| $1$ | $4$ | `???c` | `ccpc` |
| $3$ | $6$ | `?c??` | `ccpc` |
| $4$ | $7$ | `c???` | `ccpc` |
| $1$ | $7$ | `???c???` | `ccccpcc` |
In the fourth example, all valid pairs of $(l, r)$ are as follows.
| $l=$ | $r=$ | $S[l \cdots r]$ | Replaced String |
| :--: | :--: | :-------------: | :-------------: |
| $1$ | $4$ | `?c??` | `ccpc` |
| $2$ | $5$ | `c???` | `ccpc` |
| $3$ | $6$ | `???c` | `ccpc` |
| $5$ | $8$ | `?cp?` | `ccpc` |
| $3$ | $9$ | `???cp??` | `ccccpcc` |
In the fifth example, all valid pairs of $(l, r)$ are as follows.
| $l=$ | $r=$ | $S[l \cdots r]$ | Replaced String |
| :--: | :--: | :-------------: | :-------------: |
| $1$ | $4$ | `?c??` | `ccpc` |
| $2$ | $5$ | `c???` | `ccpc` |
| $3$ | $6$ | `????` | `ccpc` |
| $4$ | $7$ | `????` | `ccpc` |
| $5$ | $8$ | `???c` | `ccpc` |
| $9$ | $12$ | `ccp?` | `ccpc` |
| $12$ | $15$ | `????` | `ccpc` |
| $1$ | $7$ | `?c?????` | `ccccpcc` |
| $2$ | $8$ | `c?????c` | `ccccpcc` |
| $3$ | $9$ | `?????cc` | `ccccpcc` |
| $7$ | $13$ | `?cccp??` | `ccccpcc` |
| $1$ | $10$ | `?c?????ccc` | `ccccccpccc` |
| $5$ | $14$ | `???cccp???` | `ccccccpccc` |
| $3$ | $15$ | `?????cccp????` | `ccccccccpcccc` |