Consider the aggregate $A_n=\{1,2,\cdots,n\}$. For example, $A_1=\{1\},\ A_3=\{1,2,3\}$.
A subset sequence is defined as a array of a non-empty subset.
Sort all the subset sequence of $A_n$ in lexicography order. Your task is to find the $m$-th one.
定义 $A_n$ 为 $n$ 以内所有正整数组成的集合 $\{1,2,\cdots n\}$。
对于 $A_n$ 的所有**子集序列**,请找出按字典序排序后第 $m$ 小的序列。
**Multiple test cases, please process to the End Of File.**
Each test case consists of two numbers $n,m$.
- $1\le n\le 20$
- $1\le m\le \text{the total number of the subset sequence of } A_n$