We have a grid with $N$ rows and $M$ columns of squares. Each integer from $1$ to $NM$ is written in this grid once. The number written in the square at the $i$\-th row from the top and the $j$\-th column from the left is $A_{ij}$.
You need to rearrange these numbers as follows:
1. First, for each of the $N$ rows, rearrange the numbers written in it as you like.
2. Second, for each of the $M$ columns, rearrange the numbers written in it as you like.
3. Finally, for each of the $N$ rows, rearrange the numbers written in it as you like.
After rearranging the numbers, you want the number written in the square at the $i$\-th row from the top and the $j$\-th column from the left to be $M\times (i-1)+j$. Construct one such way to rearrange the numbers. The constraints guarantee that it is always possible to achieve the objective.
Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:
>$N$ $M$\
>$A_{11}$ $A_{12}$ $...$ $A_{1M}$\
>$A_{N1}$ $A_{N2}$ $...$ $A_{NM}$
#### Constraints
- $1 \leq N,M \leq 100$
- $1 \leq A_{ij} \leq NM$
- $A_{ij}$ are distinct.
Print one way to rearrange the numbers in the following format:
>$B_{11}$ $B_{12}$ $...$ $B_{1M}$\
>$B_{N1}$ $B_{N2}$ $...$ $B_{NM}$\
>$C_{11}$ $C_{12}$ $...$ $C_{1M}$\
>$C_{N1}$ $C_{N2}$ $...$ $C_{NM}$
Here $B_{ij}$ is the number written in the square at the $i$\-th row from the top and the $j$\-th column from the left after Step $1$, and $C_{ij}$ is the number written in that square after Step $2$.