Select any integer $N$ between $1000$ and $2000$ (inclusive), and any integer $K$ not less than $1$, then solve the problem below.
We have $N$ sheets of paper. Write $K$ integers on each of them to satisfy the following conditions:
- Each integer written must be between $1$ and $N$ (inclusive).
- The $K$ integers written on the same sheet must be all different.
- Each of the integers between $1$ and $N$ must be written on exactly $K$ sheets.
- For any two sheet, there is exactly one integer that appears on both.
There is no input in this problem.
In the first line, print $N$ and $K$ separated by a space.
In the subsequent $N$ lines, print your solution. The $i$\-th of these lines must contain the $K$ integers written on the $i$\-th sheet, with spaces in between.
样例输入 #1
样例输出 #1
3 2 1 2 2 3 3 1
This is an example of a solution for $N = 3$ and $K = 2$.
Note that this output will be judged as incorrect, since the constraint on $N$ is not satisfied.