The exam season at University of Zagreb is over and students are doing what they love the most – sleeping. In the rare moments of wakefulness, they usually scroll over their Instagram feed. Fabijan is one of those students.
Recently, he read the following caption – the date `02.02.2020.` is the first palindromic date in the last $909$ years.
He realized the caption was incorrect and this made him wonder about palindromic dates so he asked himself for each of the $N$ dates what is the first palindromic date that comes after that date. The date is considered *palindromic* if, when disregarding the dots, it is the same when read from left-to-right as if it was read from right-to-left. For example, dates `02.02.2020.` and `12.10.0121.` are palindromic, while `03.02.2020.` and `12.07.1993.` are not.
**Note:** In this task it is important to take account of leap years which have $29$ days in February. For the purposes of this task, we consider a year to be a leap year if it is divisible by $4$. Otherwise, months have $31$, $28$, $31$, $30$, $31$, $30$, $31$, $31$, $30$, $31$, $30$ and $31$ days in order.
For each date from the input, you should output the first palindromic date that comes strictly after it.
That date should be printed in the `DD.MM.YYYY.` and we guarantee that the solution exists in this format.