Farmer John's $N$ cows $(1\le N\le 100)$, conveniently numbered $1\dots N$, are standing in a row. Their ordering is described by an array $A$, where $A_i$ is the number of the cow in position $i$. Farmer John wants to rearrange them into a different ordering for a group photo, described by an array $B$, where $B_i$ is the number of the cow that should end up in position $i$.
For example, suppose the cows start out ordered as follows:
`A = 5 1 4 2 3`
and suppose Farmer John would like them instead to be ordered like this:
`B = 2 5 3 1 4`
To re-arrange themselves from the "$A$" ordering to the "$B$" ordering, the cows perform a number of "cyclic" shifts. Each of these cyclic shifts begins with a cow moving to her proper location in the "$B$" ordering, displacing another cow, who then moves to her proper location, displacing another cow, and so on, until eventually a cow ends up in the position initially occupied by the first cow on the cycle. For example, in the ordering above, if we start a cycle with cow $5$, then cow $5$ would move to position $2$, displacing cow $1$, who moves to position $4$, displacing cow $2$, who moves to position $1$, ending the cycle. The cows keep performing cyclic shifts until every cow eventually ends up in her proper location in the "$B$" ordering. Observe that each cow participates in exactly one cyclic shift, unless she occupies the same position in the "$A$" and "$B$" orderings.
Please compute the number of different cyclic shifts, as well as the length of the longest cyclic shift, as the cows rearrange themselves.
* Line $1$: The integer $N$.
* Lines $2\dots 1+N$: Line $i+1$ contains the integer $A_i$.
* Lines $2+N\dots 1+2N$: Line $1+N+i$ contains the integer $B_i$.
* Line $1$: Two space-separated integers, the first giving the number of cyclic shifts and the second giving the number cows involved in the longest such shift. If there are no cyclic shifts, output $-1$ for the second number.
样例输入 #1
5 5 1 4 2 3 2 5 3 1 4
样例输出 #1
2 3
There are two cyclic shifts, one involving cows $5$, $1$, and $2$, and the other involving cows $3$ and $4$.
USACO 2014 March Contest, Bronze